Saturday, 7 February 2009

How to use Telnet in Vista

Some of you may already know, and some may not already know but as Microsoft do their usual thing at annoying people they've decided to take Telnet out of Vista...But not completely.
You can get it back, it's still there. It's just not included in the automatic install anymore. Why?

The heck if I know! But I know how to get it back...

1. Go to Control Panel.

2. Turn Windows features on / off. Pick on.

3. Scroll down until you find Telnet and check it.

4. Click OK to install.

Voila! You can now connect to your whatever you're trying to connect to.

1 comment:

  1. Good evening Gary..I want to learn,a LOT of different things,such as how to write and tweak programs,because the music software just does not make sense sometimes,and because i want to create programs that do exactly what i want and be open-ended.No,I am not stuck with the Windows concepts,so Linux,FreeBSD,C++,etc,etc...are things i want to know about..

    you can find me @yahoo....Paradox077nyc or paradoxms@gmail
